David Shands Explores the Wealth in Health with Marcus "Him 500" Barney
Today's energy in the studio hit different.
Our host, David Shands's favorite entrepreneur and Social Proof Podcast audience favorite, Marcus Barney, came through in this episode! Dripping with the sage wisdom of an ole' head mixed with the modern vibes of a social media influencer, he was on fire!
If you are on Instagram or YouTube heavily, you may know Marcus by another name, Him 500. In whatever capacity you know him in, this podcast appearance showed HIM in a brand new light. Nearly thirty pounds lighter since his last podcast appearance, his bright eyes and clear complexion shined as brightly as his jewels.
There was no question Marcus was different. In arguably his most personal and open podcast episode appearance yet, we find out why. The Socal Proof Podcast got the exclusive!
Before we explore the how & why, here's a question for you.
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Finding Health in the Wealth
Fresh off the heels of his successful Recession Proof Convention held in Las Vegas, Nevada this past May, Marcus was a cool breeze. He should be, his event was wildly successful. With big time names such as incomparable Earvin "Magic" Johnson and "Iron" Mike Tyson, who graced the stage, the fourth annual convention was executed with the precision that we've grown to expect from Marcus and his brand. The serial entrepreneur from Stockton, California, has a steely confidence, a personality trait he shares with our host, David, and other high-level performing entrepreneurs. It is the stillness of an entrepreneur who has seen longer days than nights and has faced life with a perspective and mindset of execution and determinism.
After the enormous success of the events, his brand and companies saw a spike in gains and attention. However, one thing was notably missing immediately after the event—HIM.
Marcus, the man behind the name and brand, was nowhere to be found. He removed himself from social media, handed the reins over to his team, and he disappeared.
Sequestered in an unknown tropical location, with a nice view, Marcus evaluated his life. His success and ambition had consumed him and consequently he'd put HIMself and his health on the back burner.
The reality of a scary potential impending sleep apnea diagnosis made him shift focus and realize something, his luxurious lifestyle and putting business before his health was catching up with him.
If he didn't make some changes and prioritize HIMself, it would affect his family. He couldn't have that. Marcus had to get his health together.
He started going as hard with his health as he did for his businesses.
Motivated to avoid the sleep apnea diagnosis, and the C-Pap machine, the machine used to treat it, Marcus shared how he changed his lifestyle and regained his life.

" [For me] it's always been a juggle with health and money. [When] my money is good, my health can be better. It's all about finding the balance."
- Marcus "Him 500" Barney
Jet Setting with Him 500
Last year in 2021, Marcus added a revenue stream to his existing growing empire. A jet.
One of the first entrepreneurial influencers in the social media space to make this move, Marcus admits it initially came with its challenges. But, as with any successful endeavor, he researched and learned about the aviation industry. From learning about pilot staffing needs to understanding how to maintain his asset, it became a business lesson.
When word got out about his jet, the inquires and request to use the jet came pouring in. Sure, he could have leased the plane out, but he thought deeper.
His plane appeared in the film Secret Society Two, featuring Vivica A. Fox and Erica Pinkett, with his logo strategically picked up by the lens of the camera.
Oh, and by the way, they paid him.
Genius move.
Marcus found another way to use this latest high-value asset by brokering it. Specifically, Marcus invited those interested in using his plane, with all revenue linking back to him and the growth of his business.
For example. Someone could book a mastermind with him and charge a group of attendees to join them for a fee which included their seat on the flight and a spot at that mastermind.
Oh, and that's not all. Marcus partnered with another flight brokerage company in the tech industry, securing his place in the aviation industry. Hear all the details from the man himself.
Have you done it yet?
Facing Opposition
Last year a podcast appearance found Marcus in the center of an online swirl of unfavorable attention and controversy.
However, like the mastermind he is, he took his circumstances and turned them into a major learning experience.
Ironically, the situation gave him even more prominence, and support from his community spiked amidst the storm of comments and opinions. However, he admits that to a certain extent; the unwanted attention did compromise the integrity of his brand.
He took that opportunity to grow and develop his media skills and reestablish everything he'd built.
Instead of fighting back and doubling down on his statements, he learned how to not respond and truly handle the situation effectively. By handling it this way, he learned a deficit exists within our community. We lack the ability and knowledge of conflict management and resolution. His situation helped him learn it and it made him better.
Another lesson he learned from his burst in media attention was that despite having the Recession Proof community with 10K members, 300K followers on social media and a million online watchers, that still wasn't enough to shield him from the intense scrutiny. This taught him that if one million love you, that 25K will hate you. That is the life of a public figure.
He left this situation in the past, because as his team told him, his movement was too big and he had more to do.
The Vision: A Bright Future Ahead
When asked about his future, Marcus rattles off his newly formed businesses that are mind-blowing! He says them so calmly and with a heightened sense of security that you know he is going to accomplish each one.
From developing his partnership with his jet brokerage company to establishing an exit strategy fueled by franchise partnerships, he is doing major things. Those efforts are impressive, but his career will reach a new level. He is currently planning to host an event, open to the public, at New York City's Madison Square Garden in 2023.
Marcus is heading for big things and we will look forward to having a front-row seat.
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