Entrepreneurs: Here's 10 Things to Consider Before You Do
The studio was brimming with excitement as David and Donni spoke in front of a LIVE studio audience from Los Angeles, California. Having spent three days in a skill building workshop with David at the Creators Clubhouse, the Social Proof Podcast taping rounded out their experience!
They were in the right place at the right time.
Our hosts, Donni and David, fresh from Las Vegas, Nevada, discussed a topic that all entrepreneurs have faced—the overwhelming urge to throw the towel in and quit on their dream or vision project.
Before making a final decision based on emotion, check out David & Donni's list: The Top Ten Things to Consider Before You Quit.
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While in Vegas, both Donni and David experienced some things that made them reminiscence on their journeys as entrepreneurs.
David saw a guy bet both black and red when playing roulette. When David asked him why he would place a wager like that, the man said so he could see how the table would flow against the odds.
In a game where only one color wins, he simultaneously played both. It made sense in his mind, although it was outside of the realm of logic. But, hey, that was his right.
David realized we do the same thing in entrepreneurship. We take risks that make sense to us, that are not logically sound.
For Donni, before going to Las Vegas, she decided she was going to use strict discipline when gambling. No matter how "hot" a table was, she would only gamble a certain amount.
Because she held herself accountable and didn't let herself budge from that number, she got favorable results. She won one-hundred bucks and had no losses outside her gambling budget.
In David's example, a man took a risk with the knowledge it would not benefit in a win, essentially setting himself up for failure. How often do we do that on our entrepreneurial journey?
Then, using Donni's example, how many times have done the opposite of what she did? We've said we were going to do something, don't do it, get frustrated with ourselves and give up?
Plenty of us have done that. But the answer is do not to quit based on errors and missteps. There are solutions!
If you are on the verge of throwing the towel in, would you like to read why you shouldn't?
Donni and David got you covered! Share this blog post with someone who needs a word of encouragement and a win. These facts come straight from two of the best to every do it!
#1 "If I quit, what is the alternative?"
Entrepreneurship can sometimes make frustration and emotions build, and the only solution we can think of is to quit. But David and Donni want you to stop and think for a second. What is the alternative? To be blunt, if you aren't going to go all in for your business, will you go all in for? Your job? Because these bills aren't will not pay themselves. If going back to a 9-to-5 is not an option, then analyze your situation. What is the best second option? To figure it out, Donni explains how to use if-then statements. "If I quit my graphic design business, then what?" If you don't like what that outcome will be, then chin-up, you have some fight left in you.
Analyze This: Where you are within your business? Have you hired a business coach? Have you gotten an accountability coach?
You may be one step strategic step away from your breakthrough.
#2 Consider your ability to execute.
We may have an idea that we think is a winner, so we dump money and energy into it. When the idea doesn't take off that way, we hoped we get upset. We think of how much money and time we've thrown at it the idea and emotions creep in. . Before you close up shop, do a couple of things. Ask yourself if you are being driven by your will or your skill. We all get excited about something because our will makes us think we can take over the world! But our skill isn't quite hitting the mark. Stop throwing money at the project. Take those same dollars and educate yourself.
Analyze This: Am I able to actually do this project? What skills do I need to improve so I can do this project?
#3 "Did I do everything that I could do?"
In a moment of frustration, we are quick to give up on something. No questions asked. Donni encourages us to dig deeper and find another perspective or angle to discover something new about what we have been doing. The thing is, if we have been trying, but doing the wrong steps, then we won't see a breakthrough. Sometimes we get stuck in a pattern quickly. Then when we do change and the desired outcome doesn't happen quick enough, we throw out the whole thing entirely.
When your cell phone glitches, do you throw it away? No, you troubleshoot it. You think to yourself: does it need to be restarted? Do I need to charge it?
Do this same process with yourself.
Analyze This: Create a list of crucial things to ask yourself.
How can I improve my work habits?
What are all the things that could help me?
What things are required?
Can I stop smoking long enough to make my business better?
These questions will take the emotions out of the situation and introduce logic.
#4 "Who can help me?"
Has this ever happened to you? An amazing idea pops into your head and you are ready to bring it to life. You take it to your circle of influence and they do not get your idea and have no clue how to help you. You get mad at them, and then feel like nobody wants to help you. But here's the thing: you have only asked three different people. Whenever you have an idea, know this: there is someone somewhere that can help you make it happen. You just have to find the people that actually can help you.
Also, you might not be ready for this truth, but it needs to be pointed out. Look at your circle. It may be time to level up. The purpose of a circle of influence is to support your growth, while you do the same for them. If you don't have this, it may be time to make some decisions.
Analyze This: Who is qualified to help me? Have I grown past or out of my circle of friends? Are they unable to help because they are not where I am in terms of mindset, level and energy?
#5 "Who will be affected if I quit?"
If you decide to quit, for real for real, this decision does not just affect you. There are some people who will suffer from you staying your "right-now" self. What kind of example will you set when you quit? For example, if you are the friend in your circle that everyone looks up to, how will they be affected? Your influence or impact is larger than you realize. What if there are people watching you and base their need to continue off you and your journey? If you have children, what pain will it cause them if you quit? Your children currently look to you as their leading example. Do you want them to learn a pattern of starting and stopping things from you? As we know, children watch everything. David explains how to make a positive mark on your children by creating a generational legacy with high-achieving behaviors.
Analyze This: Who is directly affected if I quit? How will they be affected if I quit?
#6 "Do I just need a break?"
Sometimes the solution you're seeking is simple, but you can't see it because you are moving too fast in the situation. Maybe you need to slow down. As an example, David shared a story about how he and his friend Brandon were driving on the highway in a rough rainstorm. The weather was so terrible that some people pulled over and stopped driving completely. For a split second, they thought about doing the same thing. Instead, they turned on the hazard light and drove slower. Less than thirty seconds later, the rain stopped. Had the other people who pulled over and stopped just kept going, then they would have seen the end of the rain as well. That is how quickly things can change in life, too. You never know how moving slower will put you in optimal alignment of where you need to be.
Analyze This: Am I moving too fast? Am I being driven by fear?
#7 Am I hungry?
This one may seem simple, but it is an important thing to question and consider. If we are hungry, not feeling we are not in the best frame of mind. When we are in a heightened state of agitation, things occur that irritate us more than they normally would. More importantly, the question to ask yourself is I am well? Changes in medicine, diet, or sleep patterns may affect how you are in the moment. This is significant to think about when you are deciding to move forward with your project. If you are not at your best, how can you make the best decisions?
Analyze This: Go through a wellness checklist.
Am I drinking enough water?
Do I need to go for a walk?
Do I need to spend some time away from my computer?
#8 Am I over qualifying or over quantifying something?
Have you noticed when introducing a or product, brand or service to the world some people will like it and others won't? Yet, we give more attention to the people who don't like it more than those that do? Suddenly, doubt creeps in. Ee start telling ourselves, no one likes it and wonder, what I am doing? That is over qualifying and over quantifying! We take the random negative feedback and make it weigh heavier than the positive. Making this broad sweep makes you view everything in a different light emotionally. Watch the words you are speaking. Are they real?
Analyze This: Is everything going wrong or is a certain part not working? Are you being too quick to assign judgement? Why are people not liking your product affecting you so much?
#9 Identify WHY you are doing what you are doing.
Sometimes we try to turn into a business hobby or the thing we like to do for fun. Let's say you like putting together birdhouses. Someone sees you making a birdhouse and they suggest you turn it into a business. You may think I enjoy making birdhouses, so this should work. That's not always a good look. Sometimes our stress reliever can become a stressor when we try to profit from it. You want to make sure that YOU are comfortable with your decision and know why you've chosen to chase the dream or business you are developing.
Analyze This: Are you doing this because it makes you happy or are you letting outside pressures motivate you to develop this brand/business? Are you happy pursuing this business?
Let's keep this all the way 100! Please do not take this list to mean that you should not quit something that no longer serves you. If something is compromising your mental health, happiness, or well-being, then let it go. It is okay to close the tent, pack up, turn the lights off, and move on. That decision is totally up to you and what ultimately you have the freedom to choose to do the best for you! Just make sure you do find what brings you joy!
Analyze This: Is entrepreneurship for you right now at this moment? Are you putting pressure or stress on yourself unnecessarily? What brings you joy!?
Let's chat more about this in the comment section. We'd love to know if any of this resonated with you!